

Volunteer Committee 

Being a cooperatively run organization, Gold Bar Preschool requires one adult to fill one volunteer position per child registered. At the AGM prior to the school year, all families registered in our program form a volunteer board with assigned jobs that allow the preschool to operate. This may be holding a position on the Preschool Board, overseeing doing preschool laundry, creating individual sensory bins, shopping for supplies, or being a ghost parent for roster days. Families with two (or more) children will potentially have two (or more) volunteer positions.

Parents are asked to familiarize themselves with Board & Volunteer positions prior to the AGM in the fall in the Parent Handbook


Each class, we have 1 roster parent to help in the classroom. Roster parents are required to obtain a clean Criminal Record Check & Child Intervention Check before school starts for every parent/guardian who is rostering in the class. Depending on class registration parents will be asked to roster approximately once every 4-6 weeks. We welcome any member of the student's family as long they obtain the required checks. Rostering is a wonderful opportunity to witness firsthand the magic of our classroom and be apart of your child's preschool experience.


Fundraising is critical to the success of our preschool to keep costs low. We host 1-2 raffle fundraisers throughout the preschool year & each family is required to fundraise $300/yr. It is important to understand that program fees do not cover the operating costs associated with running Gold Bar Preschool. As a result, participation in fundraising by all families is important to keep program fees attainable while maintaining the high standards associated with instruction & materials available at Gold Bar Preschool.

Please view the Parent Handbook for more information about the Volunteer Commitment.